Friday, June 22, 2012

The past month..

Catch up time!  So Nate is one of the most talented, creative wood workers I know!  Jon has been helping him these past couple months to build a baby crib.  So far it looks great...
For awhile it looked like a random stack of wood, but now you can see the crib shape taking form, bit by bit-our baby is going to love it!
Other exciting news... On Memorial day I got to meet up with 2 of my most favorite people, Melissa and Ruth, for breakfast at Kneaders.  Not only is it the best breakfast ever, I loved just catching up and hearing about all the amazing things these girls are doing.

After Breakfast Nate and I headed off to hike up Provo Canyon with Holly and Chase.  It was super crowded, but felt so good to get out and enjoy hiking around.  I wish we could go more often!
Chase obviously loved the whole experience as you can see above.
A few weeks later we challenged Jon and Holly to a little miniture golfing at Cascade golf course in Provo.  We pretty much got creamed by both of them even though they had to golf with Chase the whole time.  
                            Here's Nate trying to act cool and tough after our losing streak.. 

                                     And Chase showing off his new hair-do

I'm pretty sure my stomach got in the way of every shot I tried to make, kinda in the same way it gets in the way of sitting, eating, spilling food on myself. yadda yadda:)

A few days later we headed off to Seattle to visit Nate's parents.  It was so Fun!  We went to the 
local farmer's market, Babies R us, played games and even saw Thayne in action while working 
at the local elementary school.

They fed us great food and we loved the company. Thanks for a great trip!
After visiting Craig and Thayne Nate flew home so he could sit in a Colorado hotel and wait on reserve (yep, the exciting life of a pilot:)  I headed to Melynda's for a few days to see what being a mom is really all about. I had a blast and also my admiration for Melynda grew a thousand times when I saw how she balanced 3 kids with everyday life.  I saw everything from Lauren sneaking into grown up make-up, using Melynda's laptop as a trampoline and the excitement of getting kids to bed.  Here's just a little taste of how cute and energetic these girls are:

I think that's it on our update, hopefully we'll have a baby update soon!!


  1. You are darling! The crib is going to be awesome.

  2. You are so stinkin cute Kristen! I love all the pics:) I'm so excited to see the crib when its done, what a neat thing that he is able to do that! Love ya lots:)
