Last night we went on a little hike up above Alpine to Horsetail Falls. We took Brody with us and got to see his hackles like I've never seen them before!
We were sitting down eating our dinner when I spotted a dog coming down the trail.We got him back on his leash, and I figured he knew the dog (and owner) were coming around the corner.
He went a little crazy - barking and growling and acting like he was going to tear the other dog to pieces. I was glad we had him on the leash and that Kristen was able to hold him!
At the risk of sounding heartless, it was actually pretty funny to see him get so worked up. I think he was just surprised and had to act tough to cover it up...
The best part is that he's really the biggest cuddle-bug of a soft-hearted dog you'll EVER meet... :)